Monday 20 June 2011


After some research of Egypt and went through lecture class of Prof. Ray. I found Egypt religion and mythology deeply interest me, as every name and purpose have its own stories and its all related.


  1. Yes, it is quite wonderful stuff, Jason. I agree. The whole universe was personalised by the Egyptians. Open up your own research into it perhaps, and try to incorporate it into your thinking and creative work. Now we move on to some Greek and Minoan stories. So what are your goals?

  2. Same as Egypt. In western way Greek,gods and heroes are created to form a story or myth. Lets take today's world , Hollywood and games are taking contents like names and stories from the Greek culture as for the number of Gods and their unique name forms variability and its all connected. Example like the movie Percy Jackson, in the story, his father is the mightiest ZEUS.

    I like to relate history with the current fantasies and trend . And i love when stories comes together.
