Wednesday 13 July 2011

5 questions about me

5 Questions 
1. Why am I doing this course?
Because i want to be a creator.To Design something new graphically or non-graphically. My own story, style, technique and more. 

2. What do I want from this course?
I want to learn the technique to survive. Interact to understand the need of society. To test my capability.

3. What do I want to be doing in 5, 10, 20 years?
I want to become an illustrator, manganist, and character designer. (creator type)

4. What do I want to get from this class?
The knowledge of the history, Inspiration for my creation, details of history that are very helpful for a concept development. 

5. Is History of Art & Design necessary for your large goals. 
From the answer above. It can assure that it is a process to my goal. The need of achieving future is to understand the past. 

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